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만약에(If I can..)/몰입(concentration)23

I will go to the Korean Movie Theater with my friend in LA I'm waiting my friends they r coming up to LA from SD. We are going to the Korean movie theater in LA. The name is CGV. I was used the theater in Korea. It is one of the big chain theaters. I was so happy to see it in here when I came up here suddenly in the last Feb. Now I am so happy to watch a Korean movie with my friends. The title of movie is "Nameless Gangster". The main actors are famous .. 2012. 4. 8.
prayer in the dawn I go to church at dawn these days. It is so much fun with God. I cannot believe that I didn't have like this much fun in doing prayer before. God really responds every each my questions and conversation. So, in the dawn I cry and cry... Today I missed making the alarm on my phone at 5am. But, God made me wake up at 4:45am. How great he is,,, He also really wants to see me in the early morning wi.. 2012. 2. 7.
So complicate questions for application I should wake up early in the morning tomorrow. I need to go to church for prayer. It is my decision for 2 weeks. I might not have enough time for being here. However I have 4 questions to do application... I have no idea about these. hum... From The Rock Church employment application questions (Max. 250 words) Mission Save, Equip and Send out a motivated ARMY of believers who provide pervasive .. 2012. 2. 2.
Jan. 30th. 2012 in SD 오늘은 잠언 11장부터 20장까지 읽었다. I read Proverbs from chapter 11 to chapter 20. 잠언은 한 절 한 절 다 새겨서 읽게 된다... 언젠가 지혜로운 사람이 되길 기다린다. Proverbs makes me impress the words in my mind. I hope that someday I can be a wise man. 잠언 18장 23~24 (Proverbs 18:23~24) : 가난한 자는 간절한 말로 구하여도 부자는 엄한말로 대답하느니라 ; A poor man pleads for mercy, but a rich man answers harshly. : 많은 친구를 얻는 자는 해를 당하게 되거니와 어떤 친구는 형제보다 친밀하니라 ; A man of .. 2012. 1. 31.
"Wired for Love" Quiz - from Rock Church in SD "Wired for Love" Quiz -by Pastor Miles PcPherson - November 27. 2011 Wired for Relationships 1. It is not good that man be alone. Man cannot fulfill the purpose for which he was created and designed. Genesis 2:15-18 He created us so we can have what He has, enjoy what he enjoys. God enjoys a loving relationship within the Trinity: 2. The Fatehr sent the Son. John 3:16 3. The Son sent the Holy Sp.. 2012. 1. 14.
Jan. 11. 2012 I woke up at 5am. 새벽 5시 기상. I went church to pray for wishes. 새벽기도회에 갔다. I went to "Torrey Pines State Reserve" with my friend for hiking. 등산을 하러 갔다. We were so exhausted. It was pretty windy today. 바람이 불고 습도가 높아서일까 많이 피곤했다. We had a lunch after hiking and I got back home. 밥을 먹고 집에 왔다. I watched some Korean shows. It made me happy. TV를 봤다. 많이 웃었다. I know TV is not good enough for making fun, but.. 2012. 1. 12.
I found a dream for my tomorrow. I'm looking for a job right now in U.S. I know that everybody says it's hard time in here. The economy goes down and down, even citizen cannot find any jobs... However, you know that economy always goes down ... or the media says like that... I've never heard the economy is good enough during my working time or student periods for me. So, it doesn't matter to me. The environment is usually like .. 2011. 12. 8.
Conflict & Nagotiation class communication 마지막 수업은 "conflict & nagotiation" 교재는 Getting to Yes: negotiating agreement without giving in 책은 가볍고, 저렴하고, 흥미로운데, 그림하나 없이 빽빽히 영어만 적혀있어서,,, 도통 속도가 붙지 않는다. 최근 기업들 사이에서는 conflict management 라는 용어가 자리잡고 있다고 한다. 말인 즉, 예전에 수업을 들었던 crisis management 처럼, 기업에 위기가 발생했을 때 대응하는 방법을 연구, 개발해서 실제로 경영에 활용하는 것인데, conflict management 역시, 직원들 사이에 혹은, 거래처 사이에서도 쉽게 생겨날 수 있는 논쟁거리를 초기에 미리 관리한다는 개념이다. 그룹 .. 2011. 9. 6.
Teambuilding & Leadership class About my final assignment of teambuilding & leadership class. * Determine your profile and base your paper on how your leadership skills will aid in your position within a team. Example Profiles: The Builder The Connector The Creator The Discoverer The Processor The Transformer The Altruist The Healer The Teacher From these profiles; My profiles are the creator, discoverer and altruist. I should.. 2011. 6. 20.
리더쉽 수업 요즘 듣고 있는 수업은 " Teambuilding & Leadership" 이다. 교재는 사진출처 및 summary : http://ebscolearning.com/2010/10/08/new-book-summary-available-for-the-purpose-linked-organization/ 선생님이 수업시간 마다 리더쉽과 관련된 좋은 자료들을 나눠주시는 데, 책의 저자가 운영하고 있는 웹사이트에서 찾아볼 수 있는 것 같다. (오늘에서야 드디어 찾아봤다는... ) http://www.thepurposelink.com/about.htm 학교에서 듣는 수업은 참 유익한것 같은데, 영어만 좀 더 잘 했으면 더 자~알 알아들을 수 있을 텐데... 안타깝다. 내 생각에는 80%이상 이해하는 것 같은데, 간혹.. 2011. 6. 9.