About my final assignment of teambuilding & leadership class.
* Determine your profile and base your paper on how your leadership skills will aid in your position within a team.
Example Profiles:
The Builder
The Connector
The Creator
The Discoverer
The Processor
The Transformer
The Altruist
The Healer
The Teacher
From these profiles;
My profiles are the creator, discoverer and altruist.
I should think about for this paper.
a. How will you build and maintain a winning team based on your profile?
b. What strategies will you use to overcome common team challenges?
c. How do you plan to leverage your leaership to sustain team success?
Someday, I want to be a leader of a broadcasting station.
So, I thought about profiles of my employees and my passion profiles.
It can be similar and understandable with mine.
I need to learn about strengths and vulnerabilities of creators and discoverers.
Characteristic Strengths of The Creator
- Incredible imaginagtion
- Strong creative energy and enthusiasm
- Deep and abiding connection to emotion
- Ability to inspire others through their work
- Strong determination to correctly manifest that which they hold as a mental construct
- High degree of openness to possibility
- Appreciation for beauty of functionality
- Compelled to create what doesn't yet exist
Potential Vulnerabilities
- May be oerly sensitive to criticism about their work because their work is an integral part of themselves
- May be absorbed with their work to the exclusion of other important issues
- May be disorganized
- May be somewhat resistant to rules
- May be insensitive to time constraints
- May find it difficult to disconnect from emotion at times whe logic is required
- May be overly driven to develop an ideal for what they hold in their imagination
- May be driven to represent a challenge in physical form but not driven to actually resolve it
(Love & Cugnon, 2009, p. 66; the purpose linked organization)
And I would like to think about my expriences what were common challenges in thoes periods. The most hardest was the deadline. Everybody was so creative and emotional. However it was not enough when the time was gone. So, I think there might need proper time and enough time to communicate each others. It could make better circumstances. Although time is money...
I didn't finish this assignment yet. But this makes me thinking about my passion more and more... So, I just wrote this post. hum... Interesting class.
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