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prayer in the dawn

by 쭈야해피 2012. 2. 7.

I go to church at dawn these days.
It is so much fun with God.
I cannot believe that I didn't have like this much fun in doing prayer before.
God really responds every each my questions and conversation.
So, in the dawn I cry and cry...

Today I missed making the alarm on my phone at 5am.
But, God made me wake up at 4:45am.
How great he is,,, He also really wants to see me in the early morning with my prayer.

However I am so weak person, I am still worrying about every thing of my life.
Although God will do and work for my suffering, I am still in darkness.
But I know that He will keep calling me in front of him.
I will be fine and can see his glory in my life.

Now I get back my missions from the Rock's application.
It made me realize that I have had the mission of my life for doing God.
I will try to do it again and again. I won't forget it again.
God will help me up to do the mission what God gave me.
Thanks God!! Love you... :)

Mission, Vision, Value and DNA
