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"Wired for Love" Quiz - from Rock Church in SD

by 쭈야해피 2012. 1. 14.

"Wired for Love" Quiz
-by Pastor Miles PcPherson - November 27. 2011

Wired for Relationships
1. It is not good that man be alone. Man cannot fulfill the purpose for which he was created and designed. Genesis 2:15-18
He created us so we can have what He has, enjoy what he enjoys.
God enjoys a loving relationship within the Trinity:
2. The Fatehr sent the Son. John 3:16
3. The Son sent the Holy Spirit. John 4:26
4. The Holy Spirit points people to Jesus and Jesus brings us to the Father.
5. The Son speaks on the Father's authority. John 7:16-18
6. The Spirit says what the Son says. John 14:26
7. The Father glorifies the Son. John 17:1, John 17:5
8. The Spirit glorifies the Son. John 16:13-14
9. The Spirit pours God's love into our hearts. Romans 5:5
    The Father and Son love each other and they want us to share in the oneness of 
    that love. John 17:20-26
    A relationship is defined as an interdependence between people
    where (equal) give-and take exists.
10. A relationship system always asks, "Am I lovable?" and "Is there someone available
     to love me?"

Perfect Love
Integrated brain- right and left brain work together
11. Rigt brain - feelings and emotions
12. Left brain - facts and problem solving
     Eros love - Love and pleasure's sake. Song of Solomon1:2
     Phileo love - Love for mutual benefit's sake. Matthew 10:37, John 12:25
     Agape love- Love for love's sake. John 3:16, Corinthians 13
     Agape love is unselfish, selfish, covenatal love. John 3:16, Corinthians 13
13. God is love. 1 John 4:8
14. Love is God obedience. 1 John 5:3
15. Love is based on truth, not feeling. 2 John:6
16. Agape love is perfected over time by God's loving hand. Hebrews 12:11
17. Agape love requires a renewed mind. Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 10:4-6
18. Agape love must be received before it can be given. 1 John 4:19
     He loved us first.

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