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writing exercise in class - Jan. 13. 2011

by 쭈야해피 2011. 1. 19.
I usually get nervous after classes and during the evening.
Because I might be tired and couldn't  feel that I didn't understand well English for day time. well enough during the day.

I really try to understand what they are saying.
But I can't understand well and mostly. everything.
It is better than before.I used to be. Now I'm more comfortable than before. But I'm still nervous, " Did I get what they were saying?" and "Did I miss something?" something like these things.

I was not like this personality in my country. I was outgoing. I don't want to be this type of people. But I'm changing this way.
So, I'm trying to become a right way that was is more like me and will be me.

In the morning, I start to do my best ways and make a list that I have to do during a the day. And the feeling is pretty great and can be done everything by myself.
... Then, in the afternoon I keep doing hard my lists.
Finally in the evening, I become nervous because I can not finish that  what I have to do today or something.
It is not my fault. It is not someone else's fault.
But my feeling has been guilty. It makes me shrunken.

Why can not I finish them? Almost the reasons are English.

Yes! I need to study English more.
Yes! I just need more time living in here.
Yes! Tomorrow will be better.
I think these things again and again. hum...

And then I just try to sleep early.
In the moring will be fine.
My feeling is also better than at night.
Although it sounds like to avoid something.
It is helpful for me right now.
I can be great tomorrow in the morning.

Let's wait a miracle of tomorrow!!

by Sunju Kim
in writing skills and research class
