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만약에(If I can..)27

리더쉽 수업 요즘 듣고 있는 수업은 " Teambuilding & Leadership" 이다. 교재는 사진출처 및 summary : http://ebscolearning.com/2010/10/08/new-book-summary-available-for-the-purpose-linked-organization/ 선생님이 수업시간 마다 리더쉽과 관련된 좋은 자료들을 나눠주시는 데, 책의 저자가 운영하고 있는 웹사이트에서 찾아볼 수 있는 것 같다. (오늘에서야 드디어 찾아봤다는... ) http://www.thepurposelink.com/about.htm 학교에서 듣는 수업은 참 유익한것 같은데, 영어만 좀 더 잘 했으면 더 자~알 알아들을 수 있을 텐데... 안타깝다. 내 생각에는 80%이상 이해하는 것 같은데, 간혹.. 2011. 6. 9.
civics exam in adult school I got an exam in adult school today. It was about American history and a brief oral report. So, we learned some historic stories during one and a half month. I learned the Native Americans, the Colonists, the Declaration of Indepedence and the U.S. Constitution. It was interested but some words were difficult ... Anyway, I presented to Martin Luther King, Jr. for my report. Martin Luther King, J.. 2011. 5. 4.
글쓰기와 개인 미디어 온라인이라는 공간에 글을 쓰기 시작한 것이 ... 참 오래되었구나, 라는 생각이 들었다. 아마, 2000년도 (대학교 2학년)에 만들기 시작했던 개인 홈페이지라는 세계에 눈을 뜨면서부터였던 것 같다. 그 때만해도 이제 막 리포트를 쓸 때 컴퓨터로 자료를 찾을 수 있고, 친구들 끼리 이메일을 보내고... 점차 점차 우표를 붙여서 보내던 편지가 줄어들던 시대였던 것 같다. 하여, 영화감상문이나 독서감상문을 컴퓨터로 타이핑을 해서 남기기 보다는, 여전히 연필로 깨알같이 노트에 적어서 남겨두었던 시절이다. (아마도 그 노트는 우리집 다락 어느 상자에 들어있을 것 같다. 혹은... 엄마가 버렸을 수도 있다. 엄마의 특기는 버리기이니까. 흠.) 여튼, 그 무렵 그러니까... 10년 전 부터, 컴퓨터를 잘 하는 친구.. 2011. 3. 29.
Early English education in South Korea My last class was Writing skills and Research. And my last topic for final paper was early English education for Korean children. This is an unusaual topic in here. They do not understand the situation of Korean education. But I would like to tell my classmates about this topic and at that time I thought they were interested it. Actually the paper was just a report. We didn't get a presentation .. 2011. 3. 4.
What is waiting? : writing exercise in a class A few days ago, I wrote about the subject of 'waiting' on my blog. Actually I re-uploaded it from 2006. At that time, I thought, "Waiting is a desire." If I don't have a desire, it might not be waiting. Sometimes waiting can make me angry or disappointed. But I thought that's the way waiting is. Anyway, it came from one of my dreams when I read about dream in our book "The main event." A dream a.. 2011. 2. 15.
writing exercise in class - Jan. 13. 2011 I usually get nervous after classes and during the evening. Because I might be tired and couldn't feel that I didn't understand well English for day time. well enough during the day. I really try to understand what they are saying. But I can't understand well and mostly. everything. It is better than before.I used to be. Now I'm more comfortable than before. But I'm still nervous, " Did I get wh.. 2011. 1. 19.
2nd homework in writing class: Plagiarism(표절) Plagiarism If you steal someone’s idea or created things (writing, art works etc) for as your work, it is plagiarism. For example, you find some researches on web sites, when you do your homework or any writing works, and then if you might do not note use quotations about those web sites URL, title, date and authors. That is you do plagiarism. It is definitely illegal. If you are a student, you .. 2011. 1. 12.
2nd homework in writing class: supernatural power Supernatural power If I can get a supernatural power for 1 day, I want to get teleportation power. It was one of my dreams, when I was a little girl. Sometimes I am really lazy person. Specially, it was rainy I didn’t want to go out. The feeling is still really bad walking into the rainy road. However I had to go to school and had to go gym to practice Tea-kwon-do (It is the Korean traditional m.. 2011. 1. 12.
The first homework in 2011 I took a class "Writing skills and Research" for 2011 winter sesstion. It was just started 2 days ago. My teacher has passions about her job and creative writing! It means this class will be hard... >0< of course I already have homework. :( Anyway today I have two kinds of homework. One is something what do I want this class. and another is a letter to myself. haha... it sounds goose goose, does.. 2011. 1. 7.
for crisis class - South Korea reports Rescuers found the burned bodies Wednesday of two islanders killed in a North Korean artillery attack, the first civilian deaths from a skirmish that marked a dramatic escalation of tensions between the rival Koreas. South Korea reports 2 civilian deaths in North Korea clash Updated 11/24/2010 4:23pm INCHEON, South Korea (AP) — As they left behind gutted homes, scorched trees and rubble-strewn s.. 2010. 12. 2.